




I lived a long, long time ago in a country whose very name has disappeared from the annals of history.
The world was governed by different rules in my time. Magic was common, time was often cyclical, and gravity was a tool used frequently in the deep rich history of art erased from the memory of learned man.
I was high born in this early incarnation, and I could indulge in whatever I liked – food for the body and food for the soul.
My insatiable curiosity has made me a founding member of The Cult of Curiosities.

Of course I am not gone, as our souls are preserved in eternity, and I find each century I live in full of newness and fascination.

 If you keep looking, learning and continue to be freshly amazed, and don't take it all too seriously you will have found the Secret of Life.

And if you search further still, you may find yourself in the dusty caverns of timeless travels. Find me through the eyes of a bronze skull and join me for the rapture!
Lelithe, Baron de Waldgeist

as told by Valerie von Sobel

In the collection of Elizabeth An and Gordon Clune










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